The starting line

In July, 2021, we arrived home from our latest overlanding adventure in much the same way we do after every trip: tired, dirty, a little battered, a little bruised, and yet filled with amazing new memories, This time though, something was different. As we returned to our pre-expedition routines of school, work, and home, we longed for the freedom of the road in a way that we never had before. We began to ask ourselves the question, "Could we afford to take a break from the world we knew and spend a year traveling as family?" Very quickly, the answer hit us: We couldn't afford not to!
We all have a dash. You know the one. It appears everywhere you see the date span of a person's life: Abraham Lincoln, 1809 - 1865. Ronald Reagan, 1911 - 2004. What you do, experience, impact, EVERYTHING, happens in that one little dash and you only get one shot. So, in June of 2023, I will retire from 22 years of public service as a Dallas Police Officer and we will strike out to see the world, experience life outside of our bubble, and create memories as family that moths and rust will never destroy.
This site is where we will document our adventures. The West Coast, Alaska, Banff, Labrador, the East Coast, the Florida Keys, and all of the mountains, beaches, towns, and off-road paths we can cram in between. We intend to swim, surf, hike, climb, bike, ski, dog sled, spelunk, kayak, and whatever else our journeys have to offer. We will explain our trip planning, expenses, gear preparations, and anything else that we hope will help you as you dream of how to fill your Dash. From what went right to what we could have done better, as well as what gear worked and what didn't, we will put it all here for you to follow along.
So, come along as we live, love, learn, and serve in the Dash. Its going to be a wild ride and we hope it inspires you to truly live your Life in the Dash.
My brother is a blogger! I can’t wait to follow along. I think y’all might need a Tik Tok channel too. 😊